Home Fajer AA

Fajer AA

Fajer AA (IL) siwy ogier/grey stallion, ur./born 2021
właściciel / owner Ariela Arabians LTD., IL
hodowca / breeder Ariela Arabians LTD. & Doron Balulu, IL
ród męski / sireline Saklawi I 1886, hod. Anazeh Ruala (B)
linia żeńska / damline Murana or.ar. 1808, imp. 1816 Baron von Fechtig (HU)
Shanghai E.A. (ES) WH Justice (US) Magnum Psyche (US) Padrons Psyche (US)
A Fancy Miracle (US)
Vona Sher-Renea (US) El Sher-Mann (US)
Renea (US)
Salymah (BE) Khidar (BE) Ansata Sinan (US)
Elizja (BE)
Libanon Azadika (NL) Om El Azadik (US)
Warandes Shaklana (NL)
Fadwa AA (IL) Fadi Al Shaqab (US) Besson Carol (BR) Parys El Jamaal (BR)
Classic Krystall (US)
Abha Myra (ES) Marwan Al Shaqab (QA)
ZT Ludjkalba (AR)
Donya Jamal (IL) Nader Al Jamal (US) Ansata Sinan (US)
Savannah CC (US)
Aroussa (IL) Al Maraam (IL)
W. Warda (IL)
Niniejszy rodowód nie stanowi oficjalnego dokumentu / This is not official document.

Measurements: 154-181-17.0

Show record:

2021: Silver Medal Israeli National Foals Championship

2022: Bronze Medal Country Life International Show Yearling Colt Chamionship

2023: Silver Medal The City of Kings Show Junior Stallion Championship

2023: Silver Medal Sopot Arabian Horse Show Junior Stallion Championship

2024: Bronze Medal GCAT Valkenswaard Junior Stallion Championship

2024: Bronze Medal GCAT Roma Junior Stallion Championship

2024: Gold Medal All Nations Cup Junior Stallion Championship

2024: Bronze Medal World Junior Stallion Championship

For the next two seasons, our stable will be filled by the incredibly handsome son of the stallion Shanghai E.A. – FAJER AA, representing the male line of the stallion Saklawi I and, on his mother’s side, the family of the mare Murana or.ar.

His father is the world-famous, multi-medalist of shows in Europe and the Middle East – World, European and Nations Cup Champion, outstanding sire, stallion SHANGHAI E.A., son of the equally titled and world-recognized stallion WH JUSTICE.

FADWA AA, the mother of Fajer AA, is the daughter of one of the lesser-known sires bred at the Qatari Al Shaqab stud, stallion FADI AL SHAQAB and mare DONYA JAMAL.

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