Photo: Glenn Jacobs

Edited on August 17th 2021

EMILIONA (Złoty Medal x Emily / Poganin) was sold during Pride of Poland Auction for 14 000 EURO.

Bred and owned by Michałów Stud


grey mare, foaled on 10th of May, 2017

measurements: 151-175-18.0 cm

Sire line: Saklavi I 1886 Anazeh Ruala

Dam line: Milordka 1810 Sławuta

Racing record:

2020 – 7 starts: 3xIV, 1xV

Breeding status:

Bred to PARIS (last service on 2nd of March, 2021)

Made by Arabian Insider

Emiliona is a young daughter of EMILY, member of Michałów’s E-dynasty of champions out of EMBORIA. EMBORIA herself is a sister to such distinguished equines as (among others) Polish National Champion/Best in Show & All Nations Cup Champion EMIRA (dam of multi champions EL SAGHIRA & EMPIRE), Wrocław Arabian Horse Weekend Champion EMMBLA and double Autumn Show Reserve Champion & Polish National Bronze Medalist EL OMARI.

Their dam EMBRA, a highly decorated show horse as All Nations Cup Top Five, European Top Five, World Top Ten, Arabian Breeders World Cup Reserve Champion and multi Polish Nationals class Top Five finalist is herself a full sister to the highly acclaimed EMMONA – Polish National, Austrian National, European, All Nations Cup and World Championships finalist. Both ladies originate from Michałów’s “E” dynasty of champions founded by ESTOKADA, by means of seven consecutive generations of champion broodmares (beginning with their dam EMILDA-EMANACJA-EMIGRACJA-EMISJA-ESPADA-ESKAPADA-ESTOKADA).

On the spear side of the pedigree is the sire ZŁOTY MEDAL, son of World Champion QR MARC and grandson of the even more famous ZAGROBLA. ZAGROBLA is not just one of the remarkable MONOGRAMM daughters bred at Michałów that have become synonymous for the model Arabian broodmare, but is actually one of the “Grand Three”, the absolute cream of the MONOGRAMM crop, alongside KWESTURA & FALLADA. ZAGROBLA’s most significant accomplishments include twice Junior Spring Show Reserve Champion, twice Polish National Junior Reserve Champion, Babolna International Junior Champion, All Nations Cup Junior Reserve Champion, Babolna International Champion, All Nations Cup Senior Champion, twice European Senior Reserve Champion, World Senior Champion, Scottsdale Reserve Champion & US National Champion.

Emiliona (PL) siwa klacz/grey mare, ur. 2017
hodowca / breeder SK Michałów, PL
ród męski / sireline Saklawi I 1886, hod. Anazeh Ruala (B)
linia żeńska / damline Milordka ~1810, hod. Sławuta (PL)
Złoty Medal (PL) QR Marc (US) Marwan Al Shaqab (QA) Gazal Al Shaqab (QA)
Little Liza Fame (US)
Swete Dreams (US) Magic Dream (CA)
Kouream de Ment (US)
Złota Orda (PL) Pesal (PL) Partner (PL)
Perforacja (PL)
Zagrobla (PL) Monogramm (US)
Zguba (PL)
Emily (PL) Poganin (PL) Laheeb (IL) Imperial Imdal (US)
AK Latifa (US)
Pohulanka (PL) Pepton (PL)
Pestka (PL)
Emboria (PL) Grafik (PL) Eukaliptus (PL)
Gaskonia (PL)
Embra (PL) Monogramm (US)
Emilda (PL)
Niniejszy rodowód nie stanowi oficjalnego dokumentu / This is not official document.

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