Michałów State Stud, apart from breeding pure Arabian horses and Angloarabian Appalosa horses, has a small herd of Shetland ponies. It is one of the smallest breeds of ponies today. As the name suggests, the breed comes from the Shetland Islands, and thanks to human activity it has been spread all over the world. It probably derives from the prehistoric forms of the pony, which became stunted in extremely harsh climatic conditions. Characteristic for Shetland ponies is their durability and longevity.
Our ponies stay on the grassy paddocks in front of one of the two entrance gates to the Stud. They are the first ones that greet our guests.
The oldest in the herd of Shetland ponies is the 26-year-old PIAF from IMNA (Easy – Wanda by Cavallo Mini Pelle), who enjoys a happy life.