Stadnina Koni Michałów Sp. z o.o. is a commercial law company subordinated to the National Center for Agricultural Support. The stud was established in 1953 and since then it has been consistently implementing the Arabian horse breeding program. Careful implementation of short and long-term goals has made the stud a leader in breeding not only in Poland but also in Europe for several years. Our herd of over 400 heads, including 120 excellent mother mares, is one of the most valued herds of Arabian horses in the world, and the horses we bred win the highest laurels at championships all over the world.
In addition to the herd of Arabian horses, the stud also breeds Angloarabian Appaloosa horses and maintains a small herd of Shetland ponies.
Noteworthy is the fact that Michałów State Stud maintains two model herds of dairy cattle: jersey cows and Holstein-Friesian cows, which have been awarded many times for their results.
The stud is located in the picturesque area of the Świętokrzyskie Province in the region known as Ponidzie. From the north it is limited by Garb Pińczowski and from the south by Garb Wodzisławski. This location is determined by the specific microclimate that prevails in the local areas, which are characterized by a low amount of precipitation and a shallow arable layer, under which there is a limestone. The geographic location of Michałów State Stud provides excellent conditions for breeding Arabian horses.
Our gates are wide open for our guests, to whom we will gladly present the everyday life of the stud.