PTOLEMEUSZ (Złoty Medal – Parmana / Al Maraam)
Early morning today, the horse trailer belonging to Michałów Stud has left with the last group of horses that will take part in this year’s Polish National Show as well as Pride of Poland and Summer Sale auctions. The events will be held between 12th and 15th August 2022 in Janów Podlaski.
On Friday afternoon, we will see the first candidates to the Polish National Champion Yearling and Junior Colt as well as Senior Stallion:
No | Name | Colour | Year of birth | Pedigree |
1 | DELIKT | bay | 2021 | Morion - Diara / Eryks |
2 | EL MEDAR | bay | 2021 | Morion - El Medonia / Shanghai EA |
3 | EL BRILLO | bay | 2020 | Morion - El Larinera / Empire |
1 | PTOLEMEUSZ | grey | 2018 | Złoty Medal - Parmana / Al Maraam |
2 | ZŁOTY MEDAL | grey | 2012 | QR Marc - Złota Orda / Pesal |
On Saturday, among the amazing Arabian fillies and mares, we will see the Michałów-bred:
No | Name | Colour | Year of birth | Pedigree |
1 | LABONITA | bay | 2021 | Dominic M - Lakonia / Chimeryk |
2 | MAHIMA | bay | 2021 | El Omari - Mahira / Ekstern |
3 | PUSTYNIA SERC | grey | 2021 | Al Ayal AA - Pustynia Kahila / Kahil Al Shaqab |
4 | WIEŻA UCZUĆ | bay | 2021 | Medalion - Wieża Bajek / Abha Qatar |
5 | ZŁOTA AURA | bay | 2021 | Morion - Złotna / El Omari |
6 | DRIADA | bay | 2021 | Al Ayal AA - Dolores / Kabsztad |
7 | EL MARIELLA | bay | 2020 | Morion - El Marina / Ganges |
8 | ZŁOTA MYŚL | bay | 2020 | Equator - Złota Bulla / Kahil Al Shaqab |
9 | EDICOLA | chestnut | 2019 | Shams Sharav - Emiliara / Kahil Al Shaqab |
10 | EL MEDIDA | grey | 2019 | Morion - El Medara / Shanghai EA |
1 | EL ESMERA | grey | 2018 | Sahm El Arab - Esmeraldia / QR Marc |
2 | ELGAROLIA | chestnut | 2018 | El Omari - Elganza / Sanadik El Shaklan |
3 | PARANTELLA | grey | 2016 | Kahil Al Shaqab - Palanga / Ekstern |
4 | WILDANOVA | grey | 2018 | WH Justice - Wilda / Gazal Al Shaqab |
5 | EL MEDONIA | grey | 2014 | Shanghai EA - El Medina / Gazal Al Shaqab |
6 | ZIGI ZANA | grey | 2009 | QR Marc - Zagrobla / Monogramm |

EL MEDIDA (Morion – El Medara / Shanghai EA)
Sunday afternoon is the moment everyone has been waiting for; the annual Pride of Poland auction, where precious pearls of Polish breeding will look for new owners. Michałów State Stud will offer six mares and one stallion for sale:
No | Name | Gender | Colour | Year of birth | Pedigree | Video |
PRIDE OF POLAND 2022 | ||||||
1 | EL MEDIARA | mare | grey | 2010 | Eryks - El Emeera / Ekstern | Download |
2 | EMANDILLA | mare | bay | 2010 | Om El Shahmaan - Espadrilla / Monogramm | Download |
3 | ESMERALDIA | mare | bay | 2013 | QR Marc - Emandoria / Gazal Al Shaqab | Download |
4 | LAMBADA | mare | grey | 2016 | Emerald J - Lawinia / Ekstern | Download |
5 | POGANINKA | mare | chest. | 2015 | El Omari - Pentra / Poganin | Download |
6 | WARANGA | mare | grey | 2009 | QR Marc - Wilga / Ekstern | Download |
7 | KABSZTAD | stallion | grey | 2006 | Poganin - Kwestura / Monogramm | Download |

EMANDILLA (Om El Shahmaan – Espadrilla / Monogramm)
The Summer Sale held on Monday is another great opportunity to purchase some remarkable horses, the following ones have been bred by Michałów Stud:
No | Name | Gender | Colour | Year of birth | Pedigree | Video |
SUMMER SALE 2022 | ||||||
No | Name | Gender | Colour | Year of birth | Pedigree | Video |
1 | EBIRA | mare | bay | 2016 | Empire - Ebra / Alert | Download |
2 | EMBLEMA | mare | dark bay | 2014 | Chimeryk - Emmbla / Al Maraam | Download |
3 | EMFIRIA | mare | grey | 2014 | Empire - Emfonia / Galba | Download |
4 | FONARYSA | mare | brown | 2016 | Vitorio TO - Forlanda / Eden C | Download |
5 | FRAZZA | mare | brown | 2016 | Vitorio TO - Foggia / Gazal Al Shaqab | Download |
6 | PIĘKNA DAMA | mare | grey | 2011 | Pegasus - Piękna Pani / Ekstern | Download |
7 | WIEŻA ORIENTU | mare | dark bay | 2017 | Ganges - Wieża Mocy / QR Marc | Download |
8 | WYGODNA | mare | bay | 2017 | Pogrom - Wkraza / Albedo | Download |
9 | ZATOKA WENECKA | mare | bay | 2013 | Kahil Al Shaqab - Zatoka Perska / Wachlarz | Download |
10 | CHIMERYK | stallion | brown | 2008 | Eryks - Chimera / Emigrant | Download |

FONARYSA (Vitorio TO – Forlanda / Eden C)
Everybody who is interested in bidding on-line, we encourage to register at
For those who cannot join us in Janów Podlaski during this fantastic celebration of the Arabian horse, the team of Arabian Essence TV have prepared the live streaming of the whole event.
Photos: Sylwia Iłenda