16 years ago, on April 12th, 2007, Turnia, a leopard-spotted mare, was born in our stud. She is currently the oldest in the Małopolska breed horse herd. Turnia’s sire is the stallion Birkut, currently 28 years old, who is still used in private breeding. The dam is Telimena by Dywizjon, who was bred three times to Birkut, which resulted also in Turkus and Tatiana. Turnia is a well-deserved broodmare, who produced 9 foals durig her breeding career.
The breeding of Małopolska bred “leopards” started with the stallion Tarzan (Bars × Łasica / Furioso VII-6). Brought to the stud in 1959 by Ignacy Jaworowski, then Director and Main Breeder, Tarzan was used for covering coldblood mares. The stallion was also available to local mares, and the stud in Michałów had the pre-emptive right to buy the foal. This is how director Jaworowski built Michałów’s herd of leopard-spotted horses.
At the beginning, these leopards were used as utility horses, draft horses and for work on the farm. Over time, the beautifully colored horses were replaced by agricultural machines and began to be used in sports and recreational harness driving. The sight of horses so fabulously painted, as if by the hand of a great artist, was long remembered.
To this day, the employees affectionately call them “dots”, they are used in recreation, under saddle, and carriages drawn by a pair of leopards are very popular at festivals organized in our area.
We are full of hope that Turnia and her offspring will bring joy to our eyes and those of our guests for many years to come.
May you live a hundred years and in good health!