The preparations for the 2022 Pride of Poland and Summer Sale are in full swing. From Thursday 16th until Saturday 18th June, we hosted the Arabian Insider camera crew who worked on capturing the unique beauty of Michałów sale horses from sunrise to sunset.
Great passion of the Arabian Insider filmmakers for Arabian horses as well as their boundless creativity have resulted in many amazing video productions, which combined with their particular fondness for the Polish horses have produced some spectacular shots. According to the members of the Arabian Insider crew, filming Kabsztad in the light of the rising sun, Poganinka flying in the air above the field or enchantingly feminine Emandilla count as one-of-a-kind experiences. However, it should not be forgotten that filming 17 sale horses is also a humongous task that requires hard work and dedication of the whole Michałów Stud team who as always turned up trumps.
This is the second year in a row when Arabian Insider prepare the promotional videos of the Pride of Poland and Summer Sale horses for us. And just like in the previous year, we look forward to the final result of the enormous effort of both teams in these last few days.
Photo gallery prepared by Karolina Misztal.